General Secretariat of the Government


Created by Decree No. 92-013/PMRT of January 23, 1992, the General Secretariat of the Government (SGG) is an administrative body, reporting to the Prime Minister and placed under the authority of the Secretary General of the Government.

By virtue of its functions, the general secretariat of the Government is at the crossroads of state institutions. Its essential mission is to ensure the proper functioning and regularity of government work, by assisting the Prime Minister in his mission of coordinating and monitoring government action.

It advises the Government on public, legal, administrative and institutional affairs and ensures the continuity of government action in the event of the formation of a new Government.


The General Secretariat of the Government intervenes at all stages of the development of Government decisions.

He organizes government work from an administrative and legal point of view and ensures compliance with procedures.

The general secretariat of the Government acts in close collaboration with the general secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic with a view to preparing the agenda and the material organization of the Council of Ministers sessions.

He provides the secretariat of the Council of Ministers and notes the decisions taken by the Council, the matrix of which he maintains with a view to their better monitoring.

The general secretariat of the Government also prepares interministerial meetings and permanent interministerial commissions and establishes a report which it keeps.

He participates in all work intended to improve and promote the coordination of government action. To this end, he supervises and coordinates the administration and management of the general secretariats of ministerial departments.

The general secretariat of the Government contributes, in collaboration with the various ministerial departments, to the development of ministers’ mission letters and the General Policy Declaration (DPG) of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, and participates in monitoring their implementation. implemented.

It also prepares the referral, by the Prime Minister or the Government, to the Constitutional Court, the National Assembly or the Senate and follows, in liaison with the ministry responsible for relations with the Institutions of the Republic, the application of all deliberations adopted by these bodies.

He maintains the Government archives and carries out any other mission entrusted to him by the Prime Minister. It is also the service responsible for issuing official mission orders.


The General Secretariat of the Government has a legal advisory role with regard to the Prime Minister’s office and ministerial departments.

He coordinates the preparation of draft laws and regulations emanating from the various ministerial departments and ensures the progress of any draft text by verifying its conformity with constitutional provisions and its compatibility with the legislative and regulatory texts in force. As such, its role consists of supporting any draft text from the start of its conception until its publication in the Official Journal.

It is a technical instrument available to ministerial departments to do this.

As legal advisor to the Government, the General Secretariat of the Government gives its opinion on legal, administrative and institutional questions posed to it by ministers or their cabinets, administrations and public establishments. To this end, it instructs any consultation regarding the interpretation of the provisions of a text with regard to the general constitutional, legislative and regulatory context.

It also ensures “constitutional monitoring” at all stages of the procedure on the problems of constitutionality raised by a text and establishes, in conjunction with the other ministerial departments, in the event of referral to the Constitutional Court, the observations presented on behalf of the Government.


The General Secretariat of the Government is a permanent administrative body.

As such, it is his responsibility to organize the handover ceremonies between ministers and to “guide” the new Government during its installation. It is the guarantor of the continuity of government action through political changes.

The general secretariat of the Government prepares the attribution decrees which define the skills of each member of the Government and provides them with all useful information on the status of this or that reform and on government work procedures.

Eninam Massia Christian TRIMUA

Minister, Secretary General of the Government


Deputy Secretary General of the Government